OK. So in the past three months, I have had over 1300 absolutely unique visitors come and check out this website. If I didn't have a little program running that tracked that for me I would have quit running this site a while ago because I wouldn't know that I had any one visiting at all from the lack of comments that are left. (Thank you to the chosen few who have left comments. :))
So I have decided to do a small give away in hopes to lure out some of my blog stalkers. After all, this is supposed to be a community where we can all share information, successes and failures with each other!!!!
Giving away coupons didn't seem to work too well last time, so I am biting the bullet and giving away a $20 Target Gift Card. Why Target? Because their clearance is killer and I know you can get good value for my money. Why $20 bucks? Because I am hoping it is enough to make you think twice about not commenting. Why a gift card? Because it won't cost me an arm & a leg to mail it to you... wherever you are.
You can earn multiple entries in a couple of ways.
- Leave me a comment letting me know you visited and what you like about this site. (I need some love people.) You can only do this once. I will delete other comments unless they are because you completed one of the other eligible ways of entering.
- Link to my site on your blog and then leave another comment with a link to your site letting me know you did it.
- Become a follower of this site by clicking the "follow" link in the right hand column and leave me another comment letting me know.
- Blog about this giveaway and my site and leave me the link in another comment letting me know you did it.
That means you can earn at least four entries, and hey, if you have multiple blogs, you can earn even more! I know this is a pretty desperate attempt to get you guys to come out of hiding, but hey... I'm willing to bribe. You have until 11:59pm on July 3rd to enter. Winner will be chosen using a random number generator, (with witnesses), and announced on July 4th. Good luck! :)
i'll be the first to comment petra. love the site. I'm even going to start getting into the coupon thing!
I'm following!
I check in almost every day . . . thanks for all your great tips!
I also have a link to you on my blog!
Hey! I really love following your blog...I check in on all the updates. I love that I don't have to do much work to find great deals...just check out Frugalityville :)! A couple of my favs so far would be the Free Coldplay download, free chocolate, and meat sale. Thanks!
I'm a follower of this site!
I have a link from my blog to yours... http://shelleystyle.blogspot.com
This is my first time here, but I love to read about how other people are frugal!
You know I love your site! Any place that tells me about ways to save money is #1 in my book! :)
Ok, now I feel guilty - I totally thought I had you linked on my blog - but only had you bookmarked in my fav's. I'm linking you now (in my left column under other blogs I stalk!)
Once again I stink - wasn't a follower either. I'm sorry I seriously don't think about that when I bookmark stuff! Sorry ... going to follow now.
Ok, so I did have you linked, but it was a blogspot address for some reason ... Either way - thanks for this fun giveaway. Next time I post I'll blog about you too! :)
I added as a follower and posted a facebook share, ha ha ha. I'd say I was brown nose-ing but I know you use a random generator so you are fair
This is my comment, I wrote but fail to post)
I love you P.J
I am listing your blog on a R.S handout for a couponing lesson for an enrichment group next month (1of only 3) I think you give some of the most useful info. You don't have to travel everywhere and have 10 copies of each coupon to use your advice. I love knowing I'm saving money and learning new tips
Love your site and love Target! I got 1 pt. of blueberries for $.69 there yesterday! Yeah!
I follow your blog, too now. I believe I heard about your blog through the Deseret News article about couponing.
I'm now a follower!
I've already got you linked on my blog and you have the address.
I like your blog because you have unique ideas that get me thinking. Plus, you have short posts which help me save time too!
I hope it is ok that I put all of my entries in one comment. I'll try to post as well. If I ever have a free hand...
I wanted to thank you for the post about the free chocolate bar. I signed up and I just received my coupon for free chocolate. I love reading your blog. It makes me inspired to be more frugal.
I love your site! I have it on my bloglist. It is so helpful! We are out there, don't worry...some of us are just shy : )
I'm a follower!
I have you linked in my bloglist on the sidebar.
Now I have added your link to my page. No one reads me though.
I blogged about you with your address listed, sorry I haven't gotten the hang of links within my blog.
I love this site because of all the brilliant ideas you give us. You are SOOOOOOO inspiring. ;)
I already have you linked.
I am a true follower. :)
Ok ok.. I am one of the stalkers... hee hee.. I really like your site.. I am all about couponing and saving money where I can.. Thanks for posting about the free chocolate and the Bath and Body works.. 2 of my favorite things.. =) Thanks for being a great friend too.
The thing I love most about your blog is that these are easy things to do. None of them are difficult or time consuming, but all these little savings add up!
This is a great site! I love couponing & saving money...it is such a rush, don't you think!
Petra you are my favorite person ever. I need to start this whole coupon thing, PLEASE HELP ME!
I subscribe through google reader :)
I like your site because you have tons of posts about how to help me and my mother out by posting coupons and things that help save us TONS of money. :)
Oops I suppose I had to comment once more for being a follower :) Well, this is the second one.
I will follow you....
Count me in!!
you are so right, blogging so much better when there are people there you can connect with.
I love your blogs (both of them) I love good deals and I really love Target. I can't believe all the super cheap and even free stuff I have gotten there, last week I got Aaron 60 dollars worth of razors and body wash/shampoo for only $7.40. I could really put this gift card to good use. I am off now to follow you.
And now I am following you.
hey girl! stopped by from SITS to say hi! i'm always down for saving money and i'm loving that free chocolate day! woo hoo!!
I really want that giftcard. I like the tips...they are handy. As a teenager, I make pretty good money, but I need to get every bit of use out of it..so I like the tips on this website.
I want to win! I love this site!
And I have a link to you on my blog!
I'm following too!
I came across you site from Mormon Mommy Blogs. I'm so glad I did. I love the tips you have even though I never comment. I will try to do better with that. I would love a Target Giftcard. How sweet! Even if it is a bribe. :)
I am a stalker, but I do enjoy reading your blog. I'll put a link to it on my blog as well. I doing this because of your plea for love more than for the gift card. You are loved and your efforts to save us all money is appreciated.
i just found your site today and linked it on my blog, very cool!! sign me up for the giveaway ; )
I am a blog stalker but sending love your way!
Oh look! I'm a follower now too! BTW, thanks for the tip on the free chocolate! Looking forward to getting my coupon....
You are linked up! http://thebakersoflove.blogspot.com
Linked up again! http://hellyernewsletter.blogspot.com/
i love the fact that u teach people to save money.
im a follower:D
I have you saved on google reader so I check when there is a new post.
What a clever way to get comments! Love Target too! They have great bargains, but my fav is the Simply Shabby Chic collection. My bedroom bedding and window treatments are from there. I also have almost every sheet set she has. My shower curtain is from that line as well. I love this decision you made!
found youe site by accident but became a follower for 2 reasons
1 }who does not want to save $
2 }I love target
and the bounus reason
who does not love getting free stuff!!
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